Thursday, July 1, 2010


Preparation of GULAB JAMUN :


  •    Carnation Milk Powder - 1 cup
  •    All purpose flour - 1/2 cup
  •    Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
  •    Butter -melted - 2 tablespoons
  •    Whole milk just enough to make the dough

For the Sugar Syrup

  •   Sugar - 2 cups
  •   Water -  1 cup
  •   Oil for frying

How to make gulab jamun:
  •  Make the dough by combining the milk powder, baking soda, butter. 
  • Add just enough whole milk to make medium-hard dough. 
  • Divide the dough into 18-20 portions. 
  • Make balls by gently rolling each portion between your palms into a smooth ball. 
  • Place the balls on a plate. 
  • Cover with a damp yet dry kitchen towel.  
  •  Heat the oil on high and then lower the heat to medium. 
  • Slip in the balls into the hot oil from the side of the pan, one by one.
  • They will sink to the bottom of the pan, but do not try to move them.
  • Instead, gently shake the pan to keep the balls from browning on just one side. 
  • After about 5 mins, the balls will rise to the surface. 
  • The Gulab Jamuns should rise slowly to the top if the temperature is just right. 
  • Now they must be gently and constantly agitated to ensure even browning on all sides. 
  •   If the temperature of the oil is too high then the gulab jamuns will tend to break.
  • So adjust the temperature to ensure that the gulab jamuns do not break or cook too quickly.
  • The balls must be fried very slowly under medium temperatures. 
  • This will ensure complete cooking from inside and even browning. Sugar Syrup  .   
  • The syrup should be made earlier and kept warm.
  • To make the hot sugar syrup add mix the 2 cups of sugar to 1 cup of water. 
  • Add 4-5 cardamom pods, slightly crushed and a few strands of "Kesar". 
  • Mix with a spoon and then heat at medium heat for 5-10 minutes until sugar is all dissolved in water.
  • Do not overheat, that will caramelize the sugar.   
  • Transfer this hot syrup into a serving dish. 
  • Keep warm on stove. 
  • Add the fried gulab jamuns directly into the warm syrup.
  • Leave gulab jamun balls in sugar syrup overnight for best results. 
  •  They can be served warm or at room temperature. 

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