Thursday, July 1, 2010


Preparation of CARAMEL CUSTARD:


  •   Milk - 400 ml
  •   Eggs - 4
  •   Castor sugar - 30 g
  •   Vanilla essence - a few drops
For the Caramel:
  •  Sugar - 90 g
  •  Cold water - little

  • Have ready a warm plain mould and a thickly folded band of newspaper to encircle it so that the mould can be firmly held in one hand.
  • Prepare the caramel by heating the sugar and water together, stirring until it boils.
  • Remove the spoon and allow to boil without stirring until is golden brown.
  • Pour the caramel into the warm mould and twist round until the sides and base are well coated with caramel.
  • Mix together the eggs and sugar without beating them and pour on to the warmed milk. Add the vanilla essence.
  • Strain the custard into the mould and cover with greased paper.
  • Steam, very slowly for about ¾ hour, until the custard is firm in the middle.
  • The caramel custard may be baked by leaving it uncovered and standing in a tray of warm water.
  • Bake it until the custard may be baked by leaving it uncovered and standing in a tray
  • of warm water.
  • Bake it until the custard is set in the centre.
  • Turn out carefully, so that the caramel runs off and serves as sauce.

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