Thursday, July 1, 2010


Preparation of RASGULLA:


For Rasgulla:
  •  Maida for dusting - 1 tsp
For the Chenna :
  •  Cow's milk - 1 litre
  •  Citric acid - ½ tsp
For the Sugar Syrup:
  •   Sugar - 5 cups
  •   Milk - ½ cup
  •   Maida  - 2 tsp

For the Chenna:
  • Melt the citric acid in ½ cup of water and keep aside.
  • Keep the milk to boil in a pan, and keep on stirring continuously.
  • Take out from the fire and mix for at least 5 to 7 minutes till the milk is slightly cool.
  • Put the citric acid solution and stir the milk gently.
  • The milk will curdle and they whey will separate. The whey has to be clear thus indicating the milk has completely curdled.
  • Keep it to rest for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Strain out all the whey using a clean damp muslin cloth.
  • Fold all the 4 sides of the muslin cloth and twist it gently so that all the whey that is the milk solids gets evenly drained out.
  • Gather the cloth from all 4 sides and squeeze the chenna lightly about 3 to 4 times so that most of the whey gets drained out.
  • Keep the chenna on a clean plate and knead gently so that it is free of lumps and take care not to apply too much. Pressure while kneading the chenna.
  • It is advisable to use this almost immediately.
For The Rasgullas :

  • Divide the chenna into 16 equals parts and roll each part into a ball.
  • Take care to see that the there are no cracks on the surface.
  • Dust the back of a thali lightly with the flour and keep the rolled chenna balls on it.
  • For the Sugar Syrup :
  • Mix the sugar and milk with 3 cups of water in a large pan approx. 200 mm. (8") in diameter and 150 mm (6") in height and heat while stirring continuously till the sugar dissolves.
  • When the syrup starts boiling, the impurities in the sugar will begin to float on the surface, forming a grey layer.
  • Heat over a medium flame to make the grey layer to float.
  • Do not stir at this point as the layer will break and it will not clarify the syrup.
  • After about 5 minutes, slowly drizzle 1 cup of water from the sides of the pan with the help of a ladle.
  • Water added at this stage will bring down the temperature of the sugar syrup and will not allow it to boil and break the grey layer.
  • Keep on boiling the syrup over a medium flame for 10 minutes and then gently take out the grey layer using a slotted spoon.
  • Keep the syrup to boil once again and then slowly drizzle another cup of water from the sides of the pan using a ladle.
  • Remove all the remaining impurities from the syrup, again using a slotted spoon.
  • Increase the flame and boil vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes. Keep aside.
How to Proceed:
  • Combine 2 tsp of the maida with ¾ cup of water to make a flour solution. Keep aside.
  • Heat the sugar syrup in a deep pan over a high flame and boil vigorously.
  • When it boils, sprinkle half the flour solution in the sugar syrup and then put the chenna balls by upturning the plate on which they are kept.
  • When the flour solution is added, a frothy layer is formed on the surface of the syrup.
  • If the frothy layer begins to subside, sprinkle the remaining half portion of the flour solution.
  • After this, keep on sprinkling water (minimum 1 cup) on the surface of the sugar syrup.
  • Make sure that the syrup froths all the time while cooking the rasgullas.
  • Cook for about 15 minutes, continuously sprinkling water to enable the froth to form.
  • Check if the rasgullas are cooked. To check that the rasgullas are cooked, drop a rasgulla in a pan of cold water. If it sinks to the bottom, it is cooked.
  • Take out from the fire.
  • Shift the rasgullas to a bowl along with 2 ladles of sugar syrup and 1 cup of water.
  • Cool and chill for at least 3 to 4 hours before serving

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