Friday, July 2, 2010


Preparation of KAJU KATLI : 

  •  Cashew nuts - 100 gms
  •  Sugar - 100 gms
  •  Water -  200 gm
  •  Silver Foil for decorating


  •  Soak cashew nuts in water for about half an hour.
  •  Make a paste of soaked cashew nuts in a grinder.
  •  Prepare a sugar syrup of single thread consistency and add kaju paste to it.
  •  Stir properly and turn off the flame.Allow to cool.
  •  Transfer the mixture on a greased plate and roll it to a 1/8 inch thickness.
  •  Press silver foil over it .
  •  After 10 minutes cut it into diamond shaped pieces.
  •  Kaju Katli is ready to serve.

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