Thursday, July 1, 2010



Preparation of MALAI PEDA:


  •   Full fat milk - 1 litre
  •   Saffron strands - a few
  •   Sugar - ½ cup
  •   Citric acid - 2 pinches
  •    Milk - 4 tsp
  •   Cornflour - 1 level tsp
  •    Elaichi powder - ¼ tsp
For garnishing:
  •   Chopped almonds and pistachios - A few


  • Boil the milk in a heavy bottomed pan. Continue to stir until it reduces to half.
  • Warm the saffron in a small vessel, put 2 tsp of milk and rub until the saffron melts. Add to the boiling milk.
  • Put the sugar and cook for a further 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Put the citric acid in 3 tsp of water. Put this mixture very gradually to the boiling milk until it curdles slightly.
  • This may require anything from half to the entire quantity of the citric acid mixture.
  • Combine the cornflour in the balance 2 tsp of milk and add to the boiling milk.
  • Continue to stir till the mixture becomes thick and resembles khoya.
  • Put the elaichi powder and stir well. Keep it to cool.
  • Shape into 18 small balls.
  • Arrange in paper cups and garnish with chopped almonds and pistachios.
  • Ready to serve.

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